So, to be randomly cinematic, im waiting for my thca cart to come in the mail, and as far as i can tell before trying it, this seems like a very considerable option for those who seek relaxation and pain relief, i tend to disregard dosage warnings sometimes, so sometimes its a bit of a task to get where im mentally enjoying the experience, but thats why i feel the idea of the entourage effect, is important for those who enjoy cannabis recreationally, but in my case especially medically. pain and discomfort management and tenseness can make you think a the strongest d9 on Earth will do the trick, but that is likely a misunderstanding of how beneficial all different types of compounds and things that already come naturally can be. i looked at cbd like a joke to stoners, like i understood its medical purposes so i assumed that it was only good for that, is what i mean. The shipping is cheap, and i chose the cheaper option fully willing to wait however long it took, to be even blown away because its coming in a day early! id like to save the rest of my characters for when it arrives, which will be super soon!!!! after finally getting my cartridge, the only thing i can really say is that its exactly what i needed, and helped me understand how isolated d9 may not be the best option for me! 11/10!!!