THCP Side Effects: Risks, Safety Concerns, and How to Avoid Them?
In the ever-evolving cannabinoid industry, tetrahydrocannabiphoral or THCP has gained much attention after its discovery. THCP is a phytocannabinoid compound found in a very low concentration in the cannabis plant.
THCP is a highly potent compound that produces intense psychotropic effects. While THCP is similar to its counterpart THC, it possesses some unique characteristics, i.e. its potency and potential effects. It can create a far stronger impact than the traditional THC.
This article will guide you towards THCP’s interaction with ECS, its side effects, associated risks, and how to reduce these side effects safely.
What is THCP? Understanding Its Potency and Effects
An Italian research team discovered THCP in late 2019. THCP has a similar structure to the popular cannabinoid “THC”. It is unique due to the presence of additional carbon atoms in the alkyl side chain (seven carbons) while THC has five carbon atoms in the alkyl side chain.
This structure makes the cannabinoid attach securely to the ECS receptors. Researchers also discovered that THCP is 33 times stronger than the traditional THC. Due to this characteristic, even a small amount of THCP can impact different functions governed by the Endocannabinoid system.
However, THCP is present in less concentration in the cannabis plant, it can be synthesized by chemically manipulating CBD. The potential effects of THCP can be beneficial for recreational and medical purposes, including some adverse effects as well.
It can be a replacement for the RSO oil for cancer patients who need to take high doses of THC to relieve pain. The high level of THCP gives sedative effects which aid in pain relief and better sleep.
How THCP Interacts with the Endocannabinoid System?
The discovery of THCP revealed the intriguing effects of THCP by explaining how it interacts with the human body. The endocannabinoid system in the human body contains enzymes, receptors, and cannabinoids too. All cannabinoids attach to these receptors to produce their respective effect.
CB1 and CB2 are the most common receptors of ECS. CB1 receptors are located in the central nervous system. Due to the high binding affinity, THCP binds with CB1 receptors 33 times stronger than traditional THC.
The high binding affinity to CB1 receptors shows that it could influence brain functions intensely, such as mood, perception, appetite, sleep, pain, and sensory processing. The long alkyl side chain and high affinity for receptors allow THCP to create a powerful impact on the brain and the body.
Potential Side Effects of THCP You Should Know
As discussed, THCP is highly potent and far stronger than THC and induces elevated psychoactivity with minimal quantity. Overconsumption of THCP, especially for those who are new users and unaware of their body's response to THCP, can cause several unpleasant effects.
It might be easy to overconsume THCP without prior guidance, which can lead to the following side effects:
1. Dizziness
If users consume THCP in a modest dose, they report a feeling similar to being lightheaded that does not fall in the category of dizziness or vertigo. While new or inexperienced cannabis users feel dizzy from a heavy dose of THCP prerolls or other products.
This dizziness is temporary and will become better by sitting in a place and minimizing the movement till the THCP effect is gone.
2. Dry Mouth
The common side effect of cannabinoids is dry mouth. The activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors makes it difficult for the body to regulate saliva production, causing an uncomfortable sensation of dry mouth or cottonmouth.
Constant use of cannabinoids like THCP can cause saliva production issues. If your body is unable to produce enough saliva, it will allow the harmful oral bacteria to stay longer in your mouth. This can lead to oral health problems such as tooth decay and cavities.
3. Increased Heart Rate
THCP temporarily reduces blood pressure and in response, your heart starts beating faster to maintain the body’s blood pressure. This leads to an increased heart rate.
Increased heart rate can induce feelings of anxiety and panic. This anxiety makes your heart beat faster, which adds to your anxiousness. Coping with this situation might be difficult if you are in an altered state of mind.
4. Dry Eyes
Dry, itchy, watery, and red eyes are the common side effects caused by cannabinoids. The reason for red or dry eyes by THCP is still unknown to researchers.
However, it is supposed that THCP binds with CB1 receptors of the lacrimal glands, present behind the tear duct. So it changes the way the gland sends and receives messages to control moisture in the eyes. This issue of dry eyes can be solved by eye drops till the effect of THCP naturally disappears.
5. Sleep Disturbance
Unlike CBD or CBN, THCP does not aid in the sleeping process. Unguided doses of THCP allow it to disturb your sleep cycle. You may have rested long, but it will feel like you haven’t rested at all.
6. Nervousness
The amygdala is a part of the brain responsible for regulating the emotional response, and the fight or flight response. This is the part where THCP binds and interferes with the amygdala’s functioning.
A small amount of THCP does not interfere with the regulation of emotional response to fear, but high doses of THCP can cause overstimulation in the amygdala. This overstimulation can lead to nervousness, anxiety, and negative feelings.
7. Too High
THCP is more potent than traditional THC. It creates a stronger high compared to Delta-9 THC. A high dose of THCP can lead to an intense state of high. Though it does not pose physiological risks, it can influence your ability to perform specific tasks properly.
8. Low Blood Pressure
THCP consumption can temporarily lower the blood pressure. However, this side effect is not associated with any serious harm. It just leads to a slightly increased heart rate.
9. Increased Appetite
This is the common side effect of all cannabinoids, and there’s no exception with THCP. It's not as harmful, however, users must be aware of this side effect before trying any hemp-derived THC product.
Long-Term Health Risks of THCP Consumption
The side effects of THCP are multifaceted, and each person's experience can vary based on the unique bodily characteristics of users. The level of side effects also depends on the THCP dosage, individual tolerance, body response, and method of delivery.
As THCP is a recently discovered compound found in a lower concentration in the cannabis plant, its long-term health risks are still under research.
Who Should Avoid THCP?
Due to its high strength, THCP is best for more experienced THC users. Anyone who is required to undergo drug testing should avoid taking THCP or other THC products. Moreover, users unaware of their body's reaction towards THCP, tolerance level, and dosage guide, should not start using it without consulting with their healthcare provider.
How to Reduce the Side Effects of THCP Safely
There is always a solution to every problem. Likewise, there are several ways to limit and avoid unnecessary side effects of THCP.
- Always start with a very low dose
- Buy THCP products from a trusted source
- Consume in a safe and relaxing environment
- Avoid pairing with alcohol or other medications
- Monitor your body’s response to THCP
- Remain cautious and use THCP responsibly
Final Thoughts
Most people do not fully understand the benefits and effects of THCP before using it. Some use it for therapeutic effects, and others take it for recreational effects. Whatever your reason is, just be cautious in choosing a reliable and reputable cannabis brand to buy cannabinoids, especially psychotropic ones.
If you have reached the age of 21, CannaAid is the perfect place for you to buy THCP products online committed to providing high-quality and reliable products to its consumers.