How Long THC Stays in Your System from Weed Pen?
THC is the active ingredient in weed and it does not just disappear quickly from your system. It can stay in your system for longer than you might think. So if you have an upcoming drug test you should try to stay clear of weed pens, and other forms of THC. How long THC stays in your system depends on various factors like your body, age, dosage, and frequency of usage.
In this article, we will take a look at how long THC can stay in your body through weed pens and what factors can influence it. We will also see how long THC can be detected in your blood, saliva, urine and hair.
Do Employers Still Test for THC?
Many states have passed laws to allow using marijuana for recreational use. However, it is still illegal under the United States Federal Law as a Schedule I drug by the Controlled Substances Act. While people have changed how they view cannabis, many employers still order THC tests.
Even if you live in a state that has legalized cannabis and recreational use your employer can still order a test. This can happen especially in jobs that require you to stay alert and active during your working hours. In many states, employees can still fire their employees for cannabis use even if it is off duty.
Things that Affect How Long THC Lasts From Weed Pens
How long THC stays in your system depends on various factors. These factors influence how quickly your body metabolizes and eliminates THC.
1. Frequency of Use
THC builds up in your body over time because it is stored in the fat cells of your body. So the more you use cannabis including weed pens, the longer it will take to clear out. Chronic users may have THC stored in their system for extended periods.
If you use cannabis occasionally, THC can clear out from your system quickly from a few days to a week.
2. Metabolism
A fast metabolism can speed up the process of removing cannabis from your body. People with naturally high metabolic rates can clear the marijuana faster, regardless of how often they use weed pens.
3. Body Mass (BMI)
THC is a fat-soluble drug and it stays in the fat cells of your body. People with lower body fat can eliminate THC faster. People who have a higher BMI tend to store THC in their body for a longer time.
4. Age
Age is also a defining factor in how your body stores THC. Because with age, you can tend to store fat more readily. This means THC will leave the system of younger people more quickly and older people will store it for a longer time.
5. Method of Consumption
The method you use to consume THC directly impacts how long it stays in your system. For instance, when you smoke or vape with a weed pen, THC enters your bloodstream quickly, leading to faster onset and shorter detection times.
However, when you consume edibles like THC gummies, THC has to pass through your digestive system, which slows down absorption.
6. Overall Health and Stress
Staying hydrated and exercising regularly can support faster elimination of THC. If your body is healthy you will have a healthier metabolism. A healthier body can also process toxins and maintain efficient burning of fat.
THC Detection Times in Different Tests
Different tests detect THC in different ways, and each has its own detection window. Let’s take a look at how long THC can stay in your system from weed pens and show up on a drug test.
1. Urine Test
A urine test is the most common method used by employers for drug screenings. It’s cost-effective and easy to administer.
Occasional users take 3-5 days to remove THC from the system. Regular users, on the other hand, can have THC in their system for up to 30 days. Chronic users may experience longer detection windows of 40-60 days.
2. Saliva Test
Saliva tests are usually used in roadside testing or a quick test at a workplace. These tests detect if you have used cannabis recently. For occasional users, THC may be detectable in saliva for 1-2 days.
THC in saliva is a reflection of recent use, which means that it is unlikely to show up after a week even in regular users. Good oral hygiene can help remove THC from your body quickly.
3. Blood Test
Blood tests for THC are used in situations where recent use needs to be detected, such as in DUI testing or accident investigations. Occasional users can have THC in their bloodstream for up to 12-24 hours while regular users may have detectable levels of THC up to 3 days.
4. Hair Test
THC gets deposited in the hair shaft from the bloodstream, and since hair grows continuously, testing it can show cannabis use over a period of months. A 1.5-inch hair sample generally represents the last 90 days of cannabis consumption.
How to Make THC from Weed Pen Metabolize Faster?
You might be looking for ways to metabolize THC faster but don’t believe in expensive detox kits. They do not work as promised. It’s better to get off the cannabis for a couple of weeks.
Some users believe that exercise can help clear out THC from your system but there are no studies to back it up. Scientifically, it seems possible because exercise burns fat that improves liver and kidney function. But you will have to exercise regularly for it to have any significant impact.
THC and Weed Pens: Myths vs. Facts
There are many misconceptions about vaping THC, from how long it stays in your system to whether it shows up differently on a drug test. Let’s take a look at some of those so you can make an informed decision.
Q. Does vaping make THC leave the system faster?
No, vaping THC does not make it leave the system faster. The rate at which THC will clear from your body depends on various factors such as metabolism, how often you use it, and your body fat percentage.
Q. Is the "high" duration the same as THC detection time?
No, the high duration is much shorter than the THC detection time. The psychoactive effects of THC from a weed pen will wear off in 1-3 hours. Whereas, THC can remain detectable in blood, urine, and other systems for days to weeks.
Q. How does THC from weed pens compare to edibles or dabs in terms of staying power?
THC from weed pens or disposables stays in your body for a similar duration to dabs but clears faster than THC from edibles. That’s because it passes through your digestive system and liver so it stays longer in the body.
Q. Does vaping THC show up differently on a drug test?
Vaping THC doesn’t look different on a drug test. Drug tests look for THC metabolites (like THC-COOH), no matter how you consume it.
How long THC stays in your system from a weed pen depends on various factors. Occasional users can quickly clear it from the body. However, for chronic users, it can take much longer to clear THC from their bodies. Instead of going for detox kits, you should opt for a healthier lifestyle and exercise regularly.
If you are facing a drug test and have used a weed pen recently, you should consider both the timing and the method of testing that will be used. The most effective strategy is simply giving your body enough time to clear THC naturally from your system. If you want to enhance your vaping experience, CannaAid is offering high-quality disposable vapes and cartridges to deliver the perfect balance of quality and convenience.