How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in Your System For Urine Test?
Delta 8 THC is fast and becoming a popular cannabinoid for its less intoxicating properties and medical uses. But with this rise comes a pressing question for many users: How long does Delta-8 remain in the body, especially for urine tests?
If you want to learn about how Delta-8 behaves in the body, how long it stays there, and whether it can cause a failure on a drug test or not, you're at the right place. So let’s take a closer look at what’s out there so you are more prepared and knowledgeable.
What Is Delta-8 THC, and Why Does It Matter for Drug Tests?
Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid that comes from Hemp and Cannabis plants and is less psychoactive than the better-known Delta-9 THC. Its effects are somewhat less profound, which makes it ideal for those looking for something that lessens the impact of the day’s stress without getting them high.
But here's the catch: Delta-8 is similar to Delta-9 THC in this way because our liver metabolizes both. This means that standard tests like urine tests will most probably identify it. These tests do not distinguish between various types of THC; they are only designed to detect THC metabolites – the remains of THC after it is metabolized in the human body.
How Does Delta-8 THC Process in Your Body?
When you take Delta-8, your body starts metabolizing the substance into metabolites. These metabolites, mainly THC-COOH, are retained in your body’s fat and expelled through the urine.
The speed of this process depends on several factors:
- Frequency of Use: With the regular use metabolite stays in your system longer because it accumulates as a byproduct of metabolism.
- Dosage: with the higher doses metabolites remain longer in the body because they accumulate as a byproduct of metabolism.
- Metabolism: A faster metabolism process can reduce THC more quickly.
- Hydration and Diet: Drinking water consuming the right foods and avoiding certain foods and drinks may help the kidneys excrete wastes more quickly.
How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in Your System?
The answer varies, but here’s a general timeline:
- Occasional Users: If you use Delta-8 once or twice, it might be eliminated from your system in 1-3 days.
- Moderate Users: In cases where Delta-8 was used a few times a week, its presence will be detected for 3 to 7 days.
- Frequent Users: Frequent users or people who use it daily will face positive results three weeks after the last time they used bupropion.
Please don’t confuse this timeline as following a rigid path though, the required situation is complex. Genetic and individual factors such as body fat, age, and health also contribute so much.
Can You Pass a Urine Test After Using Delta-8?
Sadly, this is not the case. Urine tests are very sensitive to THC metabolites because Delta-8 is just like delta-9. If you have never taken Delta-9 THC you will still face a positive test due to various reasons.
The best course of action is to avoid Delta-8 altogether if you’re aware that you are undergoing a drug test.
Tips to Speed Up THC Detox
If you’re in a pinch and need to clear your system, here are some practical tips:
1. Stay Hydrated
One way of removing waste products from the body is through urine and it is only possible by regularly taking a lot of water. Drinking more water will not only wash away metabolites but will also promote the body’s cleansing mechanism.
2. Exercise Regularly
Because THC-COOH accumulates in body fat through cardio or strength training, its levels will decrease. But do not engage in highly energetic sessions just before your test—exercise will momentarily release any stored metabolites into your circulation.
3. Eat a Balanced Diet
Consume complex carbohydrates, antioxidant compounds, fiber, and some fats in the right proportion. These will aid the detoxification mechanisms of the body depending on the type of foods you take.
4. Consider Detox Products
At one time some over-the-counter drugs or drinks are marketed to help you pass a drug test quickly. However, some people assert that they are useful for the final tests.
5. Time Is Key
The only and surest way of ensuring that the test will be free of the substance is to allow the body to cleanse itself of the THC metabolite.
How Do Drug Tests Work?
Before proceeding to calculate your chances let me briefly describe how urine tests are conducted.
Altogether, urine drug testing usually targets THC-COOH which is the main metabolite of THC. This is a lipid-soluble metabolite, which implies that it circulates in the human body for a longer time than water-soluble agents.
These tests are often with a sensitivity of 50 ng/mL. If those THC metabolites are above this point, your test will be positive.
Is Delta-8 Legal? Does That Affect Testing?
Delta-8 is legal under the 2018 Farm Bill if it is derived from hemp with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC, federally. However, that does not mean it is not traceable on a drug test. Drug tests do not care whether it is legal or not—what they test for is THC metabolites only.
Well, even if you live in a state where Delta-8 is legal, you will end up testing positive for a drug test.
What Makes Delta-8 Different from Delta-9 in Drug Tests?
In other words, no change of any importance. There is no difference between Delta-8 and Delta-9 if the metabolites are the same in the urine test. The result of this is that both Delta-8 and Delta-9 look the same in a drug test.
Should You Avoid Delta-8 If You Need To Face a Drug Test?
Using Delta-8 is not the right choice knowing that you need to go through a drug test shortly. THC metabolites are detectable in your system even for those who use marijuana occasionally, moderately, or lightly.
If you have consumed Delta-8 before, the above-mentioned ways to detox can be followed, but there is no sure-shot way of passing a drug test.
Final Thoughts: Play It Safe
Although Delta-8 THC is a wonderful cannabinoid that has many advantages, there's only one thing to consider – it is similar to Delta-9 THC when it comes to drug tests. Learning about its behavior within your body and how long it remains can assist in making better decisions.
The next time you grab a Delta-8 product, take a pause and reflect on your schedule or timeline. If you are taking a test followed by another test, it is advisable to wait until the first test is over.Get informed, get equipped, and always recall: knowledge is power concerning cannabis and drug tests.